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Browsing by Author Alexandru, Catalin

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Aspects concerning the modern modeling & simulation techniques of the mechanical systemsAlexandru, Catalin
3-Apr-2015Design and optimization of a photovoltaic system with tracking mechanismTatu, Irina; Alexandru, Catalin
2011Designing the tracking system for a string of photovoltaic modulesTatu, Irina; Alexandru, Catalin
2008Dynamic optimization of a 2-DOF pseudo-equatorial tracking system in virtual prototyping conceptAlexandru, Catalin; Comsit, Mihai; Alexandru, Petre
2009Functional optimization of the windshield wiper mechanisms in MBS (Multi-Body System) conceptAlexandru, Catalin
3-Apr-2015Geometric optimization of the windshield wiper mechanisms using virtual prototypesAlexandru, Catalin
2004Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the windshield wiper mechanisms used for motor vehiclesAlexandru, Catalin
2012A mechatronic approach of the windshield wiper mechanismsAlexandru, Catalin
2015Method for the optimal synthesis of the wheel guiding linkages of the motor vehiclesAlexandru, Catalin
2011Modeling and simulation of a 6 DOF robotEnescu, Monica; Alexandru, Catalin
Jan-2016Mono-objective optimization of a photovoltaic tracking system with LPF controllersAlexandru, Catalin
2015Mono-Objective Optimization of a Photovoltaic Tracking System with LPF ControllersAlexandru, Catalin
2010Optimal design of the controller for a photovoltaic tracking system using parametric techniquesAlexandru, Catalin
2017Simulation of a mechatronic dual-axis tracking system for PV panelsAlexandru, Catalin
27-Mar-2015Software platform for the mechanical systems analysis and optimizationAlexandru, Catalin
2010A study on the tracking mechanisms of the photovoltaic modulesTatu, Irina; Alexandru, Catalin
2006Virtual modelling and prototyping of mechanisms based on performance software MBS typeAlexandru, Catalin
2001Virtual prototyping of mechanical systems using multi-body softwareAlexandru, Catalin
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18


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