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Mechanical Engineering >
COMEC 2007 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/737

Authors: TOTH - TAŞCĂU, Mirela
STOIA, Dan Ioan
Keywords: kinematical analysis, gait,
force distribution, electromyography
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Transilvania University Press of Braşov
Citation: Google Scholar
Series/Report no.: COMEC 2007;527-532
Abstract: The present study assigns a protocol for human gait investigations. In order to find a protocol, the gait cycles of a number of 20 healthy patients were recorded. The basic concept was to use three different systems in order to achieve the desired protocol. The protocol idea arises from the necessity to compare a record of a healthy person with a diseased one. The establishing of a normal gait pattern was also a main concern. The recording equipments used are: the human gait analysis system Zebris, the plantar force measurement system Zebris FDM and the electromyography system from ADInstruments. All of these systems are dedicated or can be adapted to our study purpose. The combination of the measurement and investigation concepts of the equipments involved in the study, lead us to a protocol for human gait evaluation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/737
ISBN: ISBN 978-973-598-117- 4
Appears in Collections:COMEC 2007

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