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Jurnal Medical Brașovean - ARHIVA >

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Title: Comunicarea în procesul de îngrijire
Other Titles: Communication in nursing care
Authors: Ţânţu, Monica Marilena
Domnariu, Carmen Daniela
Keywords: communication
care process
communication competence
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Editura Universității Transilvania din Brașov
Series/Report no.: 2/2015;
Abstract: Communication is an integral part of the dynamism of social processes as well as their explanatory tool. Its main features are understanding, knowledge, socialization, influence and persuasion. Communication in nursing is different because of the context, involved behavioural typologies and the characteristics of the care process. It is carried out according to the general principles of communication adjusted to the specific of care activity. Effective communication leads to increased compliance of the patient to treatment, improved dependence and improved satisfaction from the patient. Benefits are for nurses, too, namely strengthening the image of professional nursing, permanent and progressive development of communicative competence.
Description: Jurnal Medical Brașovean.2015,nr.2,p.30-33.ISSN 1841-0782,e-ISSN 2247-4706
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2392
ISSN: 1841-0782 e-ISSN 2247-4706
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Medical Brașovean - ARHIVA

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