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Other Titles: Acute post-infectious cerebellar ataxia in children: case report
Authors: Dracea, Laura Larisa
Buta, Claudia
Keywords: ataxia
acute ataxia
post-infectious cerebellitis
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Editura Universității Transilvania din Brașov
Series/Report no.: 1/2016;
Abstract: Difficulty of walking and fine movements disturbance with acute onset in a previous healthy child (usually between the ages of 2 and 5 years), that appears within a short period of time (48-72 hours), is identified as acute ataxia. Acute post-infectious cerebellar ataxia (APICA) is the most common form of acute ataxia found in children. There is no specific diagnostic test for APICA. Usually, APICA is diagnosed by a process of elimination, and exclusion of more serious types of ataxia (head injury, drugs, toxins, carbon monoxide inhalation) that sometimes, may need complex investigations. The description of the child’s history and of the recent events leading up to the ataxia, will help in making the diagnosis, where acute onset of symptoms in a recent infection context will play an important role. We present a case of a two years old boy with acute onset of ataxia appeared after a history of a recent acute upper respiratory infection, in whom there was a progressive regression of symptoms that needed no specific treatment or aggressive investigations.
Description: Jurnal Medical Brașovean.2016,nr.1,p.120-122.ISSN 1841-0782,e-ISSN 2247-4706
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2355
ISSN: 1841-0782 e-ISSN 2247-4706
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Medical Brașovean - ARHIVA

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