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Mechanical Engineering >
COMEC 2015 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1943

Authors: VASILESCU, Andrei
Keywords: cyclic symmetry
Schwedler domes
spectral decomposition
group representation theory
Issue Date: Oct-2015
Publisher: Transilvania University Press of Braşov
Citation: Google Scholar
Series/Report no.: ;475 - 482
Abstract: This paper aims to review and explain the path of evolution of the concepts and techniques to analyze symmetric structures. First domes designed by Schwedler imply a new theory of spatial truss system in the static analysis of determinate and indeterminate problems. The system of equilibrium equations obtained has a circulant determinant. This specific form conducted to complex numbers and some savings appeared. The development of methods to exploit the symmetry properties have depended on achievements in mathematics and informatics. The use of electronic computers within the development of finite element structural analysis package had a spectacular increased at work done in this area. Two main advanced approaches in the analysis of symmetric structures have used: the discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) for rotational symmetry, and group representation theory to exploit any type of symmetry.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1943
ISSN: 2457-8541
L 2457-8541
Appears in Collections:COMEC 2015

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