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CN Mecanica Fluidelor 2006 >

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Authors: IVANOIU, M
Keywords: cascade airfoils, numerical experiment
FEM, post processing data
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Transilvania University Press of Braşov
Citation: Google Scholar
Series/Report no.: CN Mecanica fluidelor 2006;215-228
Abstract: This paper starts from an idea which gains ground: the development of calculus techniques and abilities, the fact that modeling becomes increasingly suitable and adequate to the physical phenomenon which makes the numerical experiment be much closer at hand than the physical, traditional one. This approach starts from an analysis in an ideal/perfect fluid, in order to do that we use a dedicate software created by the National Centre for Complex Fluid Systems Engineering, Faculty of Mechanics Timişoara, a program which is already known as CASCADExpert (the method of the finite element, the solution of auxiliary variables). After the basic principles of structuring the model have been established, an option must be made for the domain (2D, periodic) of analysis, for the boundary conditions characteristic for this domain, for the input and output data and then the problem of validating and comparison with the physical experiment will be described (ideal vs. real). The data resulting from the numerical simulation are processed in a table, using the classical theory (R. Comolet) in order to interpret everything according to a common system of reference. Then a graphic interpretation of the calculated magnitudes is established in order to bring into focus the primary energetic and cavitational characteristics of a construction of a certain geometry equipped with a certain aerodynamic profile (asymmetric profile NACA or symmetric profile NACA 0010). These graphic images determine in an approximate (qualitative) manner domains of functional use of the cascade airfoils and they become practical tools of taking decisions in an activity of planning/designing
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1449
ISSN: 1223-964 X
Appears in Collections:CN Mecanica Fluidelor 2006

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