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DSpace at Transilvania University >


is the institutional repository of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, that aims to accommodate all the intelectual work produced by the academic and research staff.

At the moment, it function as a repository for the doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate theses that have been elaborated at the Transilvania University of Brasov.

In the future the content wil be enriched with technical reports and conference papers, with the ultimate goal ASPECKT to become a thrust for the research activity carried out at the Transilvania University of Brasov.



Communities in DSpace

Choose a community to browse its collections.

Advanced Mechatronic Systems - Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment Research Department [99]
Automotive and Transport Engineering [185]
Civil Engineering [375]
DECIDE PROJECT coordinator Product Design and Environment Faculty [0]
Digitized collections [1]
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science [6]
Faculty of Law [61]
Faculty of medicine [122]
ICISIL, 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy [43]
INRS project [0]
Mechanical Engineering [1599]
Revista Diacronia [19]
Social and Communication Science Department [20]


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